The Performer
A sought after International Speaker, Author and Distinguished Toastmaster, Marcelle Bernard DTM regularly presents her popular "Speak Easy", "Confident Communication", "Youth Leadership" and ‘Power Speaking’ programs to schools and organisations all over Australia and New Zealand. Passionate about giving people the tools to build their own self esteem, she shares unique insights from her latest book ‘Stand Up! Speak Up! Marcelle comes highly recommended by the 330,000 young people she has entertained, educated and inspired during the last 12 years.
The Programs
SPEAK EASY A lively and interactive workshop with one of Australia’s leading female Inspirational Speakers. It provides solid techniques that develop self-esteem, confident communication and leadership skills for Years 2-12.
SPEAK EASY 7-12 flyer
SPEAK EASY 2-7 flyer
Advanced Programs
OVERCOMING FEAR Aim, Act Accomplish: From Fearful to Fantastic Fast!
This advanced program focuses on the mindset, skills and strategies to deal effectively with Nerves and Fear and includes an interactive lecture, games and activities that build Confidence. (Yrs 11 & 12)
EMOTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY Who Can? You Can! Confidence in 3 Easy steps
This advanced program focuses on the mindset to effectively deal with Negative Emotions and includes an interactive lecture, games and activities that build Confidence. ( Yr 10)
Staff PD Programs
TEACHING TALKING How to teach Public Speaking when you are not that confident yourself
The program includes games and activities that build confidence in Speaking in Public. Suitable for adults wanting to teach public speaking skills and encourage confidence in communication in their students.
Marcelle also offers other staff PD programs on any communication based topic of your schools’ choosing, that can run directly after school.